Future Financial Strife
From a post in another venue:
Information for the Group, Part 4: Finance
As mentioned in an earlier post to the Group, there have been many resignations of CEOs in banks and other financial institutions. As significant as this exodus is, it pales in comparison, impact wise, to what is happening behind the scenes.
Largely unknown to the public, and not reported by the media, is the fact that there is a rush amongst 'those in the know' to exchange US Dollars into anything tangible. This is being done in a very broad action, and in many different markets. The players are being very cautious to conduct their trades in average size amounts so as not to raise suspicion that anything unusual is going on. A sudden shift in any market would send a signal that would attract attention and questions.
These trades are taking place in some rather obscure markets, which deal in durable goods, having the characteristics of being easily transferred and with a long life. Many warehouses are being stuffed with items which will be highly sought after in times of civil unrest. The items included in that list run the gamut, from every form of weapons and armament, to mere convenience items such as toilet paper. As these markets are familiar to those involved in this action, and are areas they typically trade in, their actions raise no alarms.
I believe they are working on a known timetable of approximately six months. I think that if this action goes smoothly and largely unnoticed, it won't culminate before late July and more likely September. Whenever it is that the final action takes place, it will trigger the collapse of the USD, and will be quickly folllowed by the introduction of a new, already established currency, fully backed by a mixed bag of items with true intrinsic value. This will prove to be a very stable currency, and will be protected from the actions available to those who now create 'money' from thin air.
The longterm result of this currency transformation will be to level the playing field for everyone. No one will be able to gain a significant advantage over another based on their ability to manufacture 'money'. There will be change within the political arena as a result of this, of course, because the power will shift across a much broader base, as opposed to a select powerful few, as is the current situation.
At this point, I could create a list of things to do that would rival a volume of 'War and Peace' in pages. Suffice it to say that immediate and substantial action is my recommendation. It is not my intention to be an alarmist. I would only like to inform about issues that I feel have great merit. I may be totally in error about this, but my research and observations give me cause to believe it to be credible. As is always the case, you are free to act or ignore, the choice is yours. I simply express and share what I have great convictions on, nothing more.
Do As You Will...!!
In Peace and Love...
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