Path to Freedom
If we can consolidate our voices, as well as our actions behind a single cause, I believe this to be the cause that deserves our utmost attention:
As a brief introduction let me explain a little about it.
Private Venue is the world in which all things Natural exist. In that environment, Man governs himself according to Natural Law, with the two most powerful of those Laws being; Harm no Man or his property, and Your 'rights' end where another Man's begin.
Public Venue is the world of Fiction. All things non-natural exist in this venue, including governments, contracts, corporations, estates, etc. Basically all that is created by Man, and not created by the Creator of Man.
Both of these Venues exist throughout all Universes. They are not unique to America, Earth, or The Milky Way. They define and keep separate the worlds of Natural and Fiction.
Just as we are subject to the whims of our Creator, and have no authority or ability to resist in any manner those whims, so are those things which Man creates with his energy bound in his service, and is powerless to resist.
This is the nature of an orderly world in which Fact and Fiction co-exist within clearly defined borders. In this state only Truth exists, even in Fiction. Because Fiction has no inherent energy, it is subject to being corrupted by sources of negative energy from the Natural Man. Because Man has the capacity to reason, he has the capacity to corrupt if doing so gives him a perceived edge over another Man. The conscience is what regulates this capacity, and when it becomes weak from influence, either internal or external, it is subject to making decisions which are not in the best interest of Mankind as a whole.
Actions of a corrupt conscience are what we are experiencing today. We have been the victims of those who would have us believe that we are not the Natural Man, but are instead transformed into a Fiction and are to be regulated in all regards by rules they create to accommodate an agenda which most often gives them some unfair advantage over other Man.
When this happens the boundaries between the Venues have been breached and require repair and fortification to eliminate the possibility of a re-occurrence. This is the stage at which we now find ourselves.
It is now our responsibility as Natural Man to admonish those who lack conscience and a clear comprehension of Fact. They must be made aware of the fact that Man is not the object of anything from Fiction. Man creates Fiction as his servant to access and interact within Public Venue other Fictions. Commerce in general being the greatest single element of Fiction is most often the subject of Rules, Regulations, Statutes, and other forms of control. Those are considered necessary to define how commerce will be conducted. They may or may not be necessary, but so be it.
When another Man would think himself capable of imposing his will on another through the use of elements of Fiction is when that Man would be deluding himself. No Man has superior standing relative to other Man. All Man may only be superior to that which he creates, for that is his property, whether it be physical or abstract.
What all responsible Natural Man must now act against in a single consolidated action is to end all breaches of the boundaries of his domain, the Private Venue. This is a very simple action which will correct ALL breaches in a single act. The only requirement is that every Man withdraws his energy from the Fiction.
This is accomplished by the simple act of avoiding all discussion of the Fiction. Remember that we are the only source of energy which supports all Fiction. For the Fiction to exist, it must have our energy. To deny it our energy is for it to cease to exist. Positive energy must be replaced with negative energy.
We only need to comprehend this simple concept to rid ourselves of all Fiction which has been imposed on us. It does not require any weapons other than our voices to repel this enemy. There is a line uttered by the former USSR President Nikita Khrushchev to the effect that Communism would replace our Republic of America without a shot being fired, but by action from within. His words were most prophetic, and have now been realized.
The saving Grace of our Republic, is that it may be restored by the identical action in reverse. As complacency allowed it to manifest, now so will action destroy. This is what is necessary for ALL Man to do if he chooses not to forever be a victim of the fraud of the Fiction created by Man without a conscience for the purpose of theft of our energy. All that may ever be taken from us is our energy, all else is securely locked within our souls and are the property of our Creator.
Which brings us to this point.
The clear choice of all Man is to either clearly and loudly declare himself a Man in Private Venue, or forever live in the Fiction of Public Venue which will feed from your energy and will drain your very soul. That is the same as denying that you have ever truly existed as a Man. To do that is to sacrifice our energy in exchange for a fleeting comfort, which itself is nothing more than Fiction.
The choice is yours. Consolidate your voice with ours in making the simple demand that Fiction return to the proper bounds of Public Venue, never again attempting to subjugate Natural Man, or enjoy the pleasures of being a servant to the Fiction.
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