Saturday, September 03, 2005

How Much Further?

The Time Has Come To Take Action

I have taken all I am going to take. It is time to take whatever action is necessary to take back control of our economy from the money hungry Crude Oil Futures Traders.

They have used every little scrap of bad news to create a "fear" that justifies driving up the cost of crude oil on the World Market. I'm sick and tired of listening to their lame ass reasons why this event and that event should have an effect on the price of oil.

The only "fear" they have is that when it comes time to exercise their contracts for the millions of barrels of oil they have, the price may be lower than what they bid 2-3 months prior. By speculating what impact an event will have on supply and demand of oil at the time they exercise their contracts, they appear to be validating the daily increase in bid prices of Oil Futures Contracts. What they are actually doing is guaranteeing themselves a profit, a HUGE PROFIT, at our expense.

What bothers me the most, is that when they "speculate" about the impact of an event, they always allow for the worst possible scenario and how it will effect the supply and demand of oil. However, when the impact of the event turns out to be minimal or even non-existent, do you hear them coming back and adjusting their bids in future days to reflect that? Of course not! They just find the next reason to create an artificial "fear" to speculate about and raise the bid prices higher yet.

They do a terrific job of feeding the media this information, and because the media reports it carte blanche, we accept it as being legitimate and factual.
That is both our mistake, and the media's. The media needs to stop blindly disseminating this information, and we need to start doing some "due diligence" of our own, to sort out fact from fiction.

We can no longer afford to sit idly by and let them keep escalating the cost of oil, and all that is directly and indirectly derived from oil. I am not a fan of Government intervention, but we MUST formulate a plan to put a stop to this, before we are completely incapacitated economically. The net result of an increase in the cost of oil is exponential to the per barrel increases. It literally effects everything we touch.

Starting today, begin being more vocal about your displeasure of the way the Money Hungry Futures Traders are creating real hardships for you. Communicate these concerns to every elected official, to every media outlet, and to every forum in which you have the ability to post. We must get a concerted effort started, NOW.

A good beginning point is your local gas station/convenience store. Although they are not the root cause for the gas price increases, they are directly in the supply chain. If you limit your gas purchases, that will send a signal. If you refuse to buy the products inside the store, you will grab their attention, because that is where their profits are. They will then start sending a message of their own to their suppliers. Their voice has more clout than ours at that point.

Please, do everything you can to make a difference. If not, it will only get worse, in a hurry. If you have additional ideas or thoughts on the matter, please take a few minutes to post a comment by clicking on the "comment" button below. Every voice counts, every action counts. Be loud, but be responsible. Think about the "Big Picture" when you decide how to contribute to the cause.

Thanks for being here, now go post something relevant......!!
