Thursday, July 26, 2007

Making More Noise

In the time since my last post, much has happened around the world. I want to make it clear that I have been very observant, and really don't like what I'm seeing. I've also read a substantial number of articles and books.

The alarming thing I'm seeing in all of it, is that as I am diligently trying to disprove some of the stories being cast aside as "conspiracy theory garbage", I'm finding more and more of the facts to be true. Now I'm no genius, but if I can uncover sure signs that some of this "garbage" is factual, then it rather tends to unnerve me a bit.

I've always been a steadfast supporter of the Constitution, and when I see things going on in all 3 Branches of Government that aren't as dictated by that great document, then I begin to worry. I worry even more when those actions are done blatantly and in public, with no regard for our views or feelings on the matter.

It seems all Government officials are taking the stance that what the Government wants, the Government gets. No where do I see Members of Congress asking constituents for their opinion on issues before them. Their only concern is that they vote according to Partisan lines, no matter what public opinion in their area is. It appears as though the Party is who they serve, not their constituents. This must change immediately! But"they" feel pretty safe that nothing will change, because everyone is too busy living their own life, tending their own little microcosim, to take the time to demand that votes be cast according to OUR wishes.

I challenge all who read this to stop right now and write a letter or an email to their Senators and Congressmen and tell them you demand your voice be heard through them. No longer are they to vote as the Party encourages them to, but as their electorate tells them to.

Do It Now! I Dare You! Find out what your Government is Really all about!

