Saturday, May 02, 2009

Critical Actions to Take Now

As sovereign individual citizens of one of the several states of the Union (NOT a UNITED STATES citizen, or a State citizen, see definition in IRS Code Chapter 7701)we are up against a formidable opponent in our efforts to retain our birthright unalienable rights and freedoms. Be mindful that these rights were not awarded to us by the Constitution, but by our Creator. The Constitution merely outlined the responsibilities of individual sovereign citizens, state, and Federal Government, but made it clearly known that in no way was any governing entity to obstruct our personal efforts to pursue Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

To that end, Federal government has only specifically stated duties to the general population, as well as very specific rights associated with the performance of those duties. All rights not specifically granted are reserved to the people and the individual states of the Union.

(Note: NOT the "PEOPLE" and not the "States" or "STATES", the scheme of capitalization is very critical in understanding the exact meaning of a term used in government or corporate documents and Laws. Seek further clarification by consulting "Blacks Law Dictionary" or an equally authoritative resource.)


In the area of taxation, the Constitution allows only excise (sales) and apportioned (shared equally) taxes. Obviously, since individuals earn differing amounts of remuneration in exchange for their labor or service, taxation based on remuneration cannot possibly qualify under either of those categories. The Feds will tell you that taxaction is not really against income to try to throw you off, but even that argument does not validate their authority to levy their tax. Until some recent research revealed the answer, I couldn't understand why the Feds (I'm only using capitalization when referring thereto as a modicum of respect, deserved or not) would create such a complex organization and Code as the IRS to collect an illegal tax, when there was afforded to them a legal and simple method of taxation such as an Excise tax. Under this taxation model, a person would basically tax themselves by choosing to purchase items covered by the tax terms. Very little oversight, accounting, and enforcement personnel would be needed, unlike the behemouth IRS which takes greater than 50 per cent of receipts just for operational expenses.

Please take proper amounts of solace in knowing exactly to what degree your tax dollars contribute to support the government's exercise of their duties to you...!!


Read that title closely......Yes! our government is a corporation chartered in The District of Columbia. Since 1913 when a group of Bankers bailed out the United States of America from bankruptcy and forced incorporation so that debt instruments could be issued to them as collatteral for their loans. Upon formation of The Federal Reserve in 1933 the control of our money was handed over completely to those same bankers and has remained there to this day. This was obviously an illegal act, for which the entire government was accused of a ACT of TREASON. To avoid prosecution, they originated the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as a remedy. What this effectively did was to provide a method by which any and all individuals could choose not to participate in the FRAUDULENT activities of the corporation now operating as THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT,Inc. Slyly and unethically they published this remedy very quietly and felt they were under no obligation to make the general public aware of it's existence. That would explain why many of you reading this have no idea of it's existence today...!! The ultimate intentional withholding of critical information from the very entity charged with our protection.

So that we are no longer victims of a blatantly fraudulent and bullish corporate government, every sovereign individual must research and discover the methods by which we can legally extract ourselves from unwittingly participating in the fraud perpetrated on each of us by the exalted UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, Inc.

To facilitate that action, I will try to assemble a list of resources available for research purposes. You may request the list by posting a comment. Include your email or other contact information. If you do not want your information, or any of your comment published, include that in your comment and I will edit it per your request.


The critical action referenced in the title of this post is that you take action to gain as much knowledge of what your true rights are, and how to gain immunity from the fraudulent acts of our Public Servants. Just as it is claimed that ignorance does not make you immune from the law, knowledge will show you that you are indeed NOT BOUND by their law, as it is fraudulent, and they have readily admitted such on more than one occasion.


Here are some suggestions to get you started on your path to enlightenment and true freedom. Google the following terms: UCC-1 Financing Statement, Redemption, Strawman, Bill of Exchange, Federal Reserve Onership, Government activity 1913, Federal Reserve Act of 1933, John F Kennedy Executive Order 1110, accepted-for-value, Application for Certificate of Live Birth, House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933(this is the remedy from fraud), IRS Code Chapter 7701, IRS Form 1099OID (letters O I D), Land Act of 1865, and finally Franklin Delano Roosevelt Executive Order 2039 of April 5, 1933.


It is my belief that if you spend an appreciable amount of time immersed in researching the above list, you will be sufficiently motivated and enabled with knowledge to understand the necessary Critical Actions To Take Now.

Strength in Knowledge,
Jonathan L Myers,
Sovereign Individual by Declaration
Owner of all that is mine

P.S.: Please understand that this necessary action is a personal undertaking to regain what is justly yours. It is not an action that should be directed towards any other individual, political party, political orientation, or focus of any activist.
It is much too important to stay focused on your objective and not allow artificial distractions to impede your progress. All of the above and many more issues serve one purpose: to distract you from seeking the truth. The 2 party political system is designed not to "balance" but to corral the vast majority of complacent non-participants by wrapping them from the left and from the right. Think about it!

Good Luck