How To Re-establish Our Republic
We have created a viable plan which will enable the American Citizens to establish or reclaim the Republican form of government created by The Constitution of the united states of America.
We will provide a brief outline of the plan here. A more comprehensive plan is under construction and will be linked from this post when completed.
Here are the most basic points we must accomplish, with some relevant facts.
- Reclaim personal Sovereignty. Why this is the most critical point of the plan... The current form of government is a corporate structure. All fictional (corporate) entities have jurisdiction ONLY over that which they create. They DID NOT CREATE YOU! 'They' chose that form of government intending to deceive you into thinking they had jurisdiction over YOU. They obviously have been quite successful doing that! YOU must rescind all of the contracts which bind you to the fiction 'they' created and hung on you. Much more detail in the full details of the plan.
- Restore state Sovereignty. The states have far more authority to govern than the Federal Government. However, many of the Rights reserved for the states (and We The People) were bargained away by state Governors and Legislators in the past. One of the most significant of these actions was the signing of The Buck Act. A single letter replacement would more accurately describe the results of this Act! We will leave you to your imagination on that! The states MUST rescind ALL legislative acts which abrogated state and personal Rights.
- Restore REAL Money. What we see as 'money' today, Federal Reserve Notes, are nothing more than a convenient medium used to conduct low-level trade and commerce. In high-level trade and commerce, no physical exchange of currency takes place. Those trades are completed simply by making entries in electronic journals. All such transactions create 'money' out of thin air. There is no way to do a proper accounting of this method, as millions of transactions are completed in a single minute. ALL numbers quoted by ANY financial agency are merely 'guestimates' or outright lies meant to affect a certain market which relies on those numbers for assessment of value of elements of the market. NO GOVERNMENT OR INDEPENDENT AGENCY HAS ANY WAY TO KNOW HOW MUCH 'MONEY' IS IN CIRCULATION AT ANY TIME! How secure do you feel about your retirement account now? We MUST establish a monetary system based on something with intrinsic value. This in the past has been gold and silver, but it needs not to be restricted to those commodities. We know for sure it can't be AIR...!!
- Eliminate Possibility of Influence. Our current Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches of Government are nothing but profit centers for those whom OCCUPY a position within. Not a single public servant is responsive to their constituents. Time and again, these OCCUPANTS have acted in ways exactly opposite of the desires of their constituents because they were influenced by a PAC with unlimited resources available to use for the purpose of getting favorable legislation passed. This MUST be eliminated and banned. All access of influence must be made impossible. Ways to accomplish this are in the full version of the plan.
- Restore Domestic Manufacturing Industry. No economy can survive without being productive. No economic model throughout History has ever survived without being a producing economy. Our manufacturing industry was sent abroad as a result of taxing and regulation. The cost of foreign labor has little to do with the real reason manufacturing has moved from our country. An integral element of this segment is the restoration of a true free trade, supply and demand based market model, with limited intervention of state or federal agencies in only the most critical areas. The market will typically regulate industry. If a low quality item is produced, the consumers will not buy it and it will be discontinued as a production item. This works! Governments regulate today not for reasons of safety or for the environment, but soley to create a profit center for a corporate partner. This must stop!
- More to Come. There are far more elements to this plan. We have outlined just the most critical points here. We will continue to update this post, including those elements of an International nature. You will be astounded to learn of what is secretly going on throughout the World without your knowledge or approval...