Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bold Prediction II

As is my habit, I will make another bold prediction here for all the world to read.

I am not afraid of the consequences of my predictions failing to materialize, as I am not in the business of prediction making for money.

So... Here goes...


Given all of the drastic measures taken by "The Annointed One", it has finally come to the point of making a profit from distributing that which they have spent so much money trying to eliminate.

Depending on which side of the fence you are sitting on in the REAL world, you will see this as an end to the means, of a game that has been in motion for over forty years now, or you will see it as giving up on a battle that can't be won and admitting defeat.

I'm not going to argue either side of the case, but I'm pretty sure I know which side I would take if the absolute truth were to be known.

Do some research and create valid arguments for or against this prediction and then come back and post your comments.

Love to hear everyone's viewpoints about this one...!!

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