Addendum To Plan
Here are some suggestions crafted by a friend who knows the root of the problem, and how to start the transformation back to a Constitutional Republic.
Jared Dalen I have some humble suggestions to restore the original republic our fore fathers intended. This needs to be brought to attention so the problem can be dealt with; too much energy is directed toward addressing the symptom than solving the problem.
1. The Federal Reserve needs to be abolished PERIOD. It is a privately owned central bank that is a parasite to this country's sovereignty. It's use of the fractional reserve banking system in form is a Ponzi scheme. REAL and TANGIBLE money should be brought back as "lawful" money not "legal tender".
2. The use of Uniform Commercial Code(admiralty/maritime law) needs to be sent back to the place it came, the sea. These laws of commerce operate under the 'color of law' toward the unknowing men and women of this country(and many others). The "law of the land" needs to be brought back into presumption of jurisdiction to make our republic de jure once again.
3. The education and simplifying of law so each and every man and woman can communicate in the same language. The BAR guilds across the planet need to be reorganized/abolished and and the trash needs to be taken out. As long as the perversion of law is in existence people will find a way to enslave each other.
4. Abolish the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 that created the corporation known as "United States"(the capital "U" denotes a fiction as applied to United States under law). Reinstate the "united States"(notice the lowercase "u", reference the Declaration of Independence) which is the original de jure republic comprised of men and women(sovereigns) who represent each state which are part of a confederation.
5. Abolish the UN, IMF and any imperialistic order created to enslave man. The globe should be a confederacy of sovereign nations with the a common bond of earth.