Content Subject Expansion
Beginning today, I am opening this blog to comments about all of the many subjects of interest and concern of the average American Citizen. I will not require your comments follow my own political beliefs, however, I will actively participate in all discussions and make my feelings known on any and all subject matter.
As I think about it, perhaps it is not my Political beliefs that I will expose here, as much as it is my Moral beliefs . I do not want to label my personal feelings with a moniker associated to a political party, as I have found that I am much more individualistic than that. I cannot blindly support any platform, although I must admit to having done that in the past. However, as they say "Knowledge Shall Set You Free", I have unshackled myself from unflinching association with any political party, and have taken to follow a new mandate: "To Thine Ownself Be True".
It is my personal belief that the problems of the world are rooted in a single characteristic. That would be, Laziness . People in general, the world over, have gotten so involved in "getting by" that they are happy to let others do their thinking for them. It takes very little effort to create a follower of any idealistic scheme you can come up with. I have done considerable personal research to prove that.
Should you desire to prove it to yourself, follow this simple process. In any social gathering of more than twenty persons which lasts beyond two hours, there will always be groups formed based on any number of criteria. As you meander from one group to another, listen closely for the topic of conversation. Pick any one of these groups and stand near enough to listen in as the conversation progresses. Eventually there will be a person who appears to want to dominate the conversation, and presents their views on the subject as being the most logical. If at some point you engage this person in conversation and quiz them as to why they support the view they do, you will find that in more than 75% of the cases, they are unable to give you a solid reason as to why they support that view. More often than not they will respond with a statement such as, " I read about it in the paper or heard it on the news". Precious few will be able to give you any legitimate background information about the issue, such as the leading proponent and other factual points. Try it sometime and prove it to yourself.
The point I'm making is that others will embrace anything that has a shred of benefit to them. The benefit doesn't always even need to be more than "perceived". Very often it will be no more than associative. Many will adopt a view because another person they hold in high regard shares their view with them.
It is the LAZY way to form an opinion, simply adopt someone else's. They are too lazy to do the proper research and be fully informed, yet they are willing to defend it to the exteme point of killing others, and many times, themselves. All of that based on a few simple statements that may or may not be based in fact.
It really concerns me as a Human that my life hinges on facts such as these. If you look anywhere around the world today, it is easy to see how simple it is to create an idealogical group of people. People are willing to believe anything for just a promise of benefit.
Enough of my rant for today, make your own comments and come back tomorrow for more of mine.
Jonathan, Editor
Wake Up America
Labels: Editor's Rant