What is Happening to Our Republic?
As I am sitting here trying to grasp what has happened to our Republic since January 20, 2009, I am left with a feeling of utter amazement. Maybe my farmboy upbringing never properly prepared me for the things I am seeing today. Perhaps I have remained a bit too naive even as I have observed changes to our Republic over the past 30 years.
I have always thought that those we have given the privilege of representing and governing us were sincere in their duties and were keeping our best interests in mind as they debated and voted on various issues and bills that came before them.
I'm trying to understand how it was that so much damage has been done to the core of the Republic. The only explanation I have come up with is that up to this administration, all of the damage was done with a velvet glove. Although there were some controversial issues throughout recent history, and there were some signs of opposition to them, there was not really anything that raised my consciousness to the level that it now exists.
I knew enough about Barack Obama from research done during the campaign that if by some wild stroke of luck he should actually win the election, that we as a Republic, would be in deep trouble. Even with that knowledge, I would not be prepared for what has transpired over the past eight months.
I can't think of anything Obama has done or forced others to do that would withstand a Constitutional challenge. Why hasn't any of it been questioned? There still has not been any solid proof that Obama is eligible to serve as POTUS. If there is nothing to hide, why have all of his records been sealed or removed? Where is the transparency promised throughout his campaign? We need to make the Legislature prove the Constitutionality of a Bill before it is allowed to be voted on. I have a really hard time thinking that anything would ever be challenged once enacted into Law. That scares the living daylights out of me!
We can't sit back and wait for the 2010 elections to voice our opinions. We must act with every ounce of energy we can muster, to strike fear into the hearts(???) of our legislators and let them know that we demand to be truly represented, and not to just be constituents who they ignore, and to vote as we demand, not as the party instructs. They must be reminded that they are first accountable to the constituents, then to the party. There can be no other acceptable stand!
I am calling on every American Patriot, regardless of your political affiliation of the past, to join together as one voice with the sole objective of protecting our Republic and regaining those unalienable rights which have been taken from us so quietly that we didn't even know they were gone! If we fail in this mission, the consequences are too frightening to even consider.
We must take whatever steps necessary to reverse the damage already done, and to prevent further damage as is planned. We cannot allow the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights to become worthless documents, as are the intentions of the administration currently directing our government.
Be the American Patriot you have always thought you were...!!
Stand Up!