Media Bias
It is very interesting to listen to the media reporting on yesterday's 912 Project assembly in Washington, D.C. One outlet reported a number of attendees as only around 75,000, while the Office of Homeland Security officials estimated as many as 2.5 million. Now forgive me if I'm wrong, but that seems to be quite a discrepancy in estimated counts. I HOPE I can more accurately use those numbers from HLS, otherwise our safety is in great jeopardy if we are relying on them to protect us from the bad guys!
There is a video on YouTube that shows Acorn operatives posing as vendors selling Gadsen Flags (Don't Tread on Me). They were overheard asking a cop for help and admitting to him that they were ACORN members! They were then identified as such to the crowd, and ran out of the venue. At one point a third member enters and begins to assail the couple running them out. As far as I have heard, that is the only act of aggression at the rally, and serves to show the underhanded tactics favored by the sinister group. Remember that they have received 2.8 Billion of our hard earned dollars from the Stimulus Plan!
It is time for everyone who considers themselves a true American, and not a fraud such as ACORN and most of the Legislature, Judicial, and Executive Branches of Government, to rise up and demand the Supreme Court protect our rights as they are charged to do. We can no longer allow our government to operate with reckless abandon, and ignore the importance of maintaining a system of checks and balance.
Everyone write a letter to the Supreme Court Chief Justice demanding this.
Do it now, before it is too late!
America.....Stand Up, Take Back What is Ours...!!